Factory Introduction
Zhejiang Province and City Green Source Refrigerator is a professional producer of SLF 600 mm wet curtain green source chiller (environmentally friendly air conditioner). In Zhejiang province and the Grand Tang Industrial District. The West Industrial District, which is adjacent to the city, is geographically excellent and easily accessible.
The green-source chillers produced by the plant are high-tech products developed by national institutions of higher learning and are a new type of high-efficiency energy-saving, cooling and wetting equipment. Its salient characteristics, such as high-volume production, electricity consumption, reliable operation, ease of installation and long useful life, can be widely applied in the daily lives and production of enterprises.
For example:
1 Textiles, stockings, dressmaking, retrofitting, rubber, spraying, silk prints, toys, electronics, household appliances, footwear, printing, food processing, bleaching, laundry, etc.
2. Large- and medium-sized malls, vegetable markets, waiting rooms and large-scale in-house entertainment sites.
3. Sites with polluting gases or high odor and dust.
4. Places where traditional air conditioners have been installed but where fresh wind (or oxygen) is insufficient.
I have first-class designs, advanced production equipment, reliable testing and good service security... which have earned the confidence of a wide range of users.
To be more satisfied.