Business Scope
General operating projects are: import and export of goods or technology; e-commerce; online trade; domestic trade (excluding exclusive, exclusive and controlled goods); and export and import operations (except for projects prohibited by laws, administrative regulations, decisions of the State Council, restricted projects subject to authorization). Wholesale, sale of primary agricultural products; wholesale, sale of clothing, textiles, knitting, daily department goods; wholesale, sale of cultural goods, sports goods; wholesale, sale of construction materials; wholesale, sale of mechanical equipment, hardware products, electronics products; jewellery, wholesale, sale of handicrafts; cultural and sporting goods: sale of stationery, sports goods, jewellery, handicrafts; sale of medical supplies and equipment. (c) The manufacture of adult fun goods (excluding medicines, medical devices). (In addition to projects subject to legal authorization, activities are carried out independently of the law under a business licence) and licensed projects are: production, sale (other than recycling operations) of plastic products. Category I medical equipment production. (A project subject to legal approval may only be operated with the approval of the relevant department, subject to the approval of the relevant department or licence)