Business Scope
The general lines of operation are: sale of chess, chess clocks, chess, chess; planning of cultural activities; conference services; sale of stationery, sporting goods, handicrafts; domestic trade; sale of electronics; sale of sports seconds, spreadsheets and timers, timers, thermometers; domestic trade; and operation of import-export operations (with the exception of the above-mentioned laws, administrative regulations and projects prohibited by decisions of the State Council, restricted items must be licensed). Air-conditioning, computer and spreadsheet software technology services, basic software technology services, application technology services; technology development, technology diffusion, technology transfer, technical advice, technical services, air-conditioning equipment, electrical equipment, environmental equipment, air purification equipment, air-conditioning packages, fitness equipment, sports supplies, massage equipment, air purification equipment and accessories, water purification equipment and accessories, wholesale and retail. The licensed projects are: the production of chess, chess clocks, chess, chess; the production of stationery, sports and crafts; the production of sports seconds, spreadsheets and timers, timers and thermometers.