Factory introduction
Foshan City Potato Network Technology Ltd. is a specialized production and processing plant for the design, planning, production, production and servicing of product collections such as billboards, neon lights, LED decoration lamps, optics and signposts.
Support for various modes of cooperation such as custom design, passenger processing, distribution of fine products, proxy association, etc. The factory is located in the South Sea area of Fushan City and comprises 10 departments such as the Ministry of Foreign Trade, the Ministry of Internal Trade and Trade, the Department of Cutting, the Welding Department, the milling Department, the polishing department, the polishing department, the polishing department, the lighting department, the neon lights department, the mass inspection department, etc.
The company specializes in branding, the development of new types of advertising, high-quality metal stereos, LEDs, light-lighting boxes, neon lights, gold decorations, etc., mainly in chain branding, refurbishment companies, government business promotions, etc., and the production of high-quality billboards for the publication of photocopying,
The company has a reputation at home and abroad, has good cooperation with many internationally recognized enterprises, whose products are sold to countries and regions such as Europe and Hong Kong and Australia, based on good faith and quality as the concept of a life-worker, and constantly refine and improve to achieve customer satisfaction. Our goal is to become a trusted advertising producer for global clients. Welcome to the company.