Business scope
General operating projects are: sale, development and development of air purification units, electrical products, water treatment equipment, moulds, ground sweep robots, smart controllers, electronics, electromechanical devices, cosmetics and skin care devices; design, development, technical services and sale of hardware and software for various mechanical electronics and their controllers; technical advice and maintenance of water treatment equipment, technology development and technology transfer; web-based scientific and technological development (excluding Internet access); sale of mechanical equipment, electronics, leather, textiles, building materials, moulds; import and export of goods, technology and imports. (Except for legal, administrative and State Council decisions prohibiting the operation of restricted items, which require authorization to operate), the licensed items are: air purification, electrical products, water treatment equipment, moulds, ground sweep robots, smart controllers, electronics, electrons, mass massage machines, beauty makeup and skin-care devices; prepackaged foods (excluding refrigerated foods) and the sale of health-care foodstuffs.