Business Scope
General operating projects are: computer and network system technology development; online information advisory services (without restriction); operation of e-commerce; database services; database management; daily supplies, clothing, footwear, textile fabrics, textiles, cosmetics, furniture, toys, stationery supplies, sports supplies, stationery, jewellery, labour defence supplies, auto parts, environmental equipment, artefacts and collections (other than antiques, ivory and their products); network technology development; graphic design; computer graphic design; information advisory, economic information advisory, business management advisory, business information consultancy, business information consultancy, scientific and technical information advice (which does not include finance, securities, insurance, banking and legal, administrative regulations, prohibited or restricted items by State Council decisions); photographic services; domestic and international freight forwarding agents; handling and handling operations; supply chain management; logistics programme design; logistics information consultation; domestic trade; and export and import operations. Sale of kitchen appliances, household appliances and type I medical devices; licensed to operate: sale of type II and III medical devices